Friday, January 10, 2014


Sectionalism is tension between regions of a country.  Sectionalism occurred in the United States during the Civil War.  Tension build up was mainly because of slavery. Southerners needed slaves to work on their large plantations that grew cotton. Cotton served as the main crop in the south and would grow year round so there was a constant  need for slaves. Plantation owners would not pay their slaves any money but instead they would let them live with them and feed them.  On the other hand, the north did not approve of slavery as much as the south. In the north there were more industries and manufactures. The north still needed the help of slaves but instead of giving them a place to stay and feeding them, they would pay them very little to buy their own houses and food.  Because the amount of money the slaves mad were so poor they had to live in terrible living conditions and had little to no food. This caused a major controversy between the north and the south. Overall the north and the south became very separated by tension build up and the states were not united as they were intended to be.

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