Monday, January 20, 2014

Confederate/Union weaknesses & strengths and Ft. Sumter and Bunker Hill

Strengths and Weaknesses

The Confederate's main weakness was their small population compared to the Union. The Confederacy only had 9 million soldiers instead of 22 million in the north. Although the Confederacy had a smaller population they had very well trained generals and they were fighting on their own land. This meant that the south only had to defend their land instead of conquering land to win battles. The north on the other hand did not have well trained generals and they had to fight on unfamiliar land. One of the north's main strength was that they controlled the navy. The north also had many industries to help produce necessary supplies needed for war.

Ft. Sumter and Bull Run

      Ft. Sumter was a very important battle that took place during the Civil War because it was the very first battle. The battle showed that the north would not give up easily and that it was the start of a big war. Bull Run was the next battle that took place during The Civil War on July 21, 1861. The battle taught both the north and the south a lot about the reality of war. The north saw the war as only a few easy battle where they would win very easily. At Bull Run many citizens came to watch the battle with their friends and family. This was because they did not understand how scary war is and that they would not win as easily as they had hoped.

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