Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Andersonville was a prison during the Civil War. The prison's purpose was to hold Union soldiers. On a daily schedule the prisoners would only receive a small ration of food. This is what led to many deaths. There were so many deaths which took place in the prison, the guards had to build mass burials. This later led to the end of the war when The Union Won. The Civil War finally was over on April 9, 1865. This was when Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered at the Appamattox Courthouse.



Sherman's Atlanta Campaign & March to the Sea

The Atalanta Campaign was to get citizens attention to support the capture Atlanta. The Capture of Atlanta was very important because Atlanta was a very important city for the south. Taking away Atlanta would hurt the southern pride while increasing the number of northerner's support for the war and ensuring Lincoln's reelection. Sherman's march was very risky move because there were no ways for communication between armies. Sherman told his troops that they would get food and supplies from the civilians which was also a major risk. Overall this helped Lincoln's reelection, demoralized southerners, destroyed the south's supply lines and made the military for the south unstable.


Union Blockade of GA's Coast

The blockade of Georgia's coast was part of The Anaconda Plan. The north did this to blocking the line of supplies to the south. This would eventually be the main reason why the north would win the war. The blockade of Georgia meant that the whole entire coast of Georgia was tightly blocked. At the beginning Confederate General Lee did not put up a fight so he could use his troops in other needed areas. The blockade of the coast was a major problem for the south. People living in the south depended on the imports and exports to get their basic needs. Without the major ports the south had no way of getting food and weapons for the war.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Chickamauga and Chattanooga

In the year 1863 the civil war began to travel towards the south. The Battle of Chickamauga was the first major battle in Georgia. The General for the Confederacy did not pursue the Union right away but in the end the south won. During the battle the Union came from the north and met the Confederacy at Chickmauga. The Union later retreated heading back north. Later The Battle of Chattanooga was when the Union was trapped up until General Grant was able to open a supply line for the north. This location later became the the supply center for the Atlanta Campaign. When General Grant opened the supply line his army could finally march into Georgia.




The Battle of Gettysburg was known as the turning point of the war. The battle had the most casualties by reaching over 50,000 soldiers. Lee's original hopes of the battle was to earn foreign recondition. This would help the south a lot because at the time their economy was in bad shape, they were loosing slaves, and soldiers were quitting due to the bad treatment an supply of basic needs. Lee also hoped that one more win for the south would make the north call for peace. Overall Lee's army was forced to retreat to Virginia.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation was issued by President Lincoln after The Battle of Antietam. The Emancipation's goal was to eventually end all slavery in the country. However The Emancipation Proclamation did not eliminate slavery all at once. The document only stopped slavery in certain parts of the Union. One reason for this was because President Lincoln needed the population of the country on his side. This meant that he needed support from the border states. Other reasons for the document being carefully worded included the fear that premature action that could over turn in the next election, constitutional protections of slavery, and prejudices of many northerners. The Emancipation did help free all slaves living in the states at war and made the Union fight for African American rights instead of secession or rebellion. On the other hand, The Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves living in the border states or free every single slave there was.


Monday, January 20, 2014


The Battle of Antietam was the bloodiest battle of The Civil War. The battle took place on September 17, 1862. The reason for the battle was because the south was doing very well in the war and had enough momentum for General Robert E. Lee to invade the north. Lee mostly did this because of his confidence that he would win easily, forcing the Union to give up but also to gain foreign recognition. But the battle was not as easy for the south as General Lee thought. The Union had twice as many soldiers, they were fighting on their own land, and they had The Confederate battle plans. The north withdrew and Lincoln removed General McClellan due to his lack of aggressiveness.  Overall the south won the battle but President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.
